Journal of Madako Elementary School accepts articles, in the form of research manuscripts on the field of education in elementary schools or its equivalent to be published in the form of scientific journal articles and related issues that have never been published in other media.

As a form of consideration for the journal editors and reviewers manuscripts to be published must be typed in the MS Word document format or based on the journal template provided and can be downloaded on the main page display of this journal website or click on this manuscript template.

Manuscripts that have been submitted by the authors will be reviewed by two reviewers, while the editor plays a role in editing the layout of the article manuscripts that have been reviewed by the reviewers according to the consistency of the format of the guidelines for writing this journal article without changing the substance of the author's writing.

In general, manuscripts that have been submitted by the author must contain the use of no less than 6000 words and include abstracts, references, words in tables, and pictures. The submitted article/manuscript outline must include: (a) Title; (b) Author's name; affiliation and correspondence email address (c) Abstract; (d) Keywords; (e) Introduction; (f) Method; (g) Tables and Figures (if any); (h) Results and Discussion; (i) Conclusion; (j) Acknowledgments by mentioning the parties/institutions/institutions/sponsors (if any); and (k) references. Or for more details, please download the Journal of Madako Elementary School manuscript template that has been provided.

As a marker of the discussion of each word written framework; Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments, and References. Everything is written using with Cambria font writing size 14 pt, written in capital letters and written in bold (bold). Except for the sub-discussions in the Results and Discussion sections such as section A. Results and section B. Discussion, each is written using format with Cambria font writing format size 12 pt written in bold (bold), and the first letter is written in capital letters.

Further explanation regarding the manuscript guidelines to be submitted for publication in this journal is as follows:


Use of word processing software

It is important that the file be saved in the native format of the word processor used (.doc or .docx). Please use template for preparing the manuscript. 



  • TITLE: It must be concise and has correlations to the main ideas and findings.

The manuscript title should be a maximum of 15 words, written in Cambria font, 16 pt, and in bold. The full names of all contributing authors should be written without titles, using Cambria font, 10 pt, including the affiliation email addresses. The corresponding author(s) should also be written in Cambria font, 10 pt.


  • ABSTRACT: It must be concise, containing objective, methods, results, discussion, and impact.

The abstract must be informative and provide a clear statement of the problem (opening sentence), a summary of the research objectives, methods, results, discussion of the research findings, main conclusions, and research implications. Overall, it should be written in 150 to 200 words (English-Indonesian) in Cambria font, 10 pt.


  • KEYWORDS: It must contain maximum 6 keywords, relating to the main objective and results.

The keywords should be closely related to the substance of the manuscript title. They must be written in Cambria font, 10 pt. The use of these keywords is intended to help interested parties (other researchers/readers) find your article after it is published in this academic journal.


  • INTRODUCTION: It is a mandatory to explain the objectives of the work, as well as an adequate background, a literature review, a summary of the results.

The substance of the writing in the Introduction section must clearly explain the issues to be discussed. Introduction includes: (1) research problem; (2) insight planning and problem solving; (3) a summary of theoretical studies and current research results (state of the art), related to the problems observed (gap analysis), and (4) research objectives.

The introduction must also be written by discussing previous research on the topic that reflects gaps or the novelty value of the writing. Before setting a goal, the Author should provide adequate background, and a very brief literature survey to note existing solutions/methods, to show which research is the best of previous research, to show the main limitations of previous research, to show whether you want to achieve it (to overcome these limitations), and to demonstrate the scientific merits or novelty of this paper. This aims to make the editor/reviewer/reader understand that you are an expert in your research field. Each quotation is adapted to the 7th edition of the American Psychological Association (APA) format and it is recommended to use Mendeley software when citing.

Avoid detailed literature surveys or summaries of results. Do not describe the literature survey as author by author, but rather present it as a group by method or topic reviewed that draws on several pieces of literature. In the Introduction, the author must state the purpose of the work at the end of the introduction section.

Example of a novelty statement or gap analysis statement at the end of the Introduction section (after a survey of the state of the art of previous research): “........ (brief summary of background)....... Some researchers focus on ..... .. Research related to ........ Still limited. Therefore, this research intends to ................. The aim of this research is .........”.

According to Katti & Hamna (2024), the introduction is the first part of the manuscript, and must be written using simple present tense. Additionally, abbreviations and explanations are included in this section. The main purpose of the introduction is to convey basic information to readers without obliging them to investigate previous publications and to provide clues regarding the results of this research (references should be selected from recent publications with a higher impact factor, searchable, and prestigious source books). To do this, the subject of the article must be reviewed thoroughly, and the research objectives must be clearly stated immediately after discussing the basic references (Rodd & Tomlinson, 2022).


  • METHODS: It is a mandatory to explain sufficient detail to allow the work to be reproduced.

In the Methods section, you should clearly explain how you conducted your research study, such as what approach you used, where, when, and what instruments you used, how the data was collected, clarification of where the data sources were obtained, and the method of data analysis used. like what. However, it should be noted that for the substance of the content in the explanation of this method, there is no need to cite any theory to explain the method being written.

Table and figure formats are optional, that is, they may or may not exist, but it is highly recommended to present tables and figures if needed according to the reviewer's advice (if the reviewer wishes). All tables included must be following the table title and the table description is placed above the table with the center writing position (Center). Table titles are written in bold with Cambria font size 12 pt (bold format). Give a number marker for each table that is created, to distinguish it from other included tables. Table data sources are written at the bottom of the table in Cambria font size 12 pt (bold format). The table is created with 1 space without any vertical lines.

As for the format of the images included, they should meet the requirements, such as the title of the image being numbered so that it can distinguish other images, such as Figure 1, Figure 2, and so on in bold format unless the description is written without bold. Captions for images written in more than one line use 1 space and captions for images are placed below the image in size 12 pt with Cambria font format. Images must be inserted separately in jpg, jpeg, or png file format.



Writing Results and Discussion can be written by combining the presentation in one special sub-discussion and can also be written with a separate explanation in the form of separate sub-discussions. During the merger or separation the explanation meets the following conditions:

A. Results
(Results should be clear and concise. Explain tables and figures)

Research results are in the form of disclosure of final results without any data analysis process and hypothesis testing results. Writing the results can be presented in the form of tables or graphs, to clarify the results presented narratively there must also be comments or discussion. In addition, citing theories cited from various literature in the explanation of this results section should be avoided. This section is the main part of the research article which presents the "fixed" results. The material reported is the result of analysis and hypothesis testing results. Details of qualitative research are written in several subtopics that are directly related to the focus category.
Research results must be concluded clearly in answering the research questions. Interpreting findings must be done using existing logic and theory. Findings in the form of facts found in the research field are combined with previous research or existing theories. This must be supported by reliable references. If researchers put forward new theories, old theories can be confirmed or rejected, or modified old theories.

B. Discussion
(This section must be supported by comparison with theory and previous studies. It is a mandatory to put references)

The article discussion aims to: (1) answer research problems and questions; (2) shows ways to obtain findings; (3) interpreting findings; (4) linking findings with established knowledge structures; (5) generating new theories or modifying existing theories.
This discussion section is the most important part of your article. Here you get the opportunity to sell your data. Keep the discussion in line with the results, but don't repeat the results. It is often necessary to start with a brief summary of the main scientific findings (not experimental results).
The following components should be addressed in the discussion: How do your results relate to the initial question or objectives outlined in the Introduction (what/how) section? Do you provide a scientific interpretation for each result or finding you present (why)? Are your results consistent with what other investigators (what else) have reported? Or are there any differences?


  • CONCLUSION: It must be about 5 sentences and must be correlated to the abstract and objective.

In the Conclusion section, you must describe the main answers to the problems discussed and written in essay form, not in the form of a point-by-point summary presentation with numbers marked at the beginning of the sentence. After presenting the research conclusions, it can be ended by giving progressive suggestions that lead to whom and for what the suggestions are intended, which relate to practical actions on the research findings.

Authors can include acknowledgments in the submitted manuscript, but this is only optional. If the author includes it, the author should mention the parties/institutions/institutions/sponsors who have participated in helping the author in completing the research report (manuscript) that will be submitted to this journal.


  • ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Thank you notes should be written briefly and clearly. Also, avoid hyperbole.

This section can be written if there are certain parties that need to be known, such as research sponsors/funding supporters. Include individuals who have helped you with your studies: Advisors, Financial supporters, or perhaps other supporters, for example Proofreaders, Typists, and Suppliers, who may have provided materials. Do not mention any of the authors' names.


  • REFERENCES: Author(s) must use APA system for in-text citation and references. We strongly suggest author(s) to take reference from article journal (not other) if it is possible.

Bibliography citation and referencing must be written based on APA style 7th Edition which is organized by using Mendeley software latest version (See Mendeley User Guidelines) or Zootero.

Citing an article written by two authors, both authors should be mentioned, however, for three and more authors only the first author is mentioned followed by et al., for example, Hamna and Khaerul (2020) and Mustakim et al. (2020).  A series of references should be presented in ascending alphabetical order (Hamna et al., 2019; Khaerul et al., 2020; Mustakim, 2015). Different publications with the same author(s) and year will be presented separately, as follows  2015a, 2015b.   References of unpublished data and personal communication should not appear in the list but should be cited in the text only (e.g., Khaerul 2018, pers. com. (personal communication);  Jepri 2018, unpublished data). In the reference list, the references should be listed in alphabetical order. Names of journals should be abbreviated. Always use the standard abbreviation of a journal's name according to the ISSN List of Title Word Abbreviations ( More or less 80% of references for literature reviews should be the recent (up to date)  journals published in the last 10 years,  but the rest of  20% of references can be cited from research reports and or articles. 

The following is an example of order and style to be used in the manuscript:

1. Journal articles:

Katti, Baso & Hamna (2024). Etnosains dalam pembelajaran sains di sekolah dasar. Madako Elementary School, 3(1), 86-94.    

2. Articles in proceedings:

Rodd, M. G., Miskin, A., & Tomlinson, J. (2022). Knowledge management in a multimedia environment: some key research issues. In Student Conference on Research and Development (pp. 1-7).

3. Book:

Laws, S., Harper, C., Jones, C., & Marcus, R. (2013). Research for development: A practical guide. SAGE Publishing.

4. Chapter in an edited book

Groundwater-Smith, S. (2007). As rain is to fields, so good teachers are to students. In S. Knipe (Ed.), Middle years schooling:  Reframing adolescence (pp. 151-170). Frenchs Forest, N.S.W: Pearson Education Australia. 


  • Nomenclature and unit: use the international system of units (SI).  
  • Math formulae: equations must be editable text and not as images. Add number for math formulae.
  • Tables: must be editable text and not as images. Add number and caption.
  • Figures: must be fix as "in line with text". Add number and caption.

Creative Commons License
Journal of Madako Elementary School is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.