Alternative Effectiveness of MEMC-Based Classroom Management in Student Learning at MI Taufiqurrahman 2 Kukusan


  • Cecep Maman Hermawan University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta
  • Okta Rosfiani University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta
  • Rani Sheilla University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta
  • Siti Nur Elizah University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta
  • Putri Ratu Bilqis El-Amini University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta
  • Sulthan Hawari University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta



Classroom Management, Make Every Minutes Count (MEMC), Student Learning Activity, Elementary School


The Make Every Minute Count (MEMC) pattern is the focus of classroom management implementation which is considered effective in designing educational experiences that encourage active participation in student learning, so that it is in line with the purpose of this research through the involvement of 42 MI Taufiqurrahman 2 Steamer students as samples divided into control classes and experiments (purposive sampling) from 457 research results by applying through methods quasi-experiment. In testing samples using questionnaires as the main instrument, the feasibility test results of the instrument 0.836 (Cronbach's Alpha) are known. The population variance of the two homogeneous class groups is seen from the comparison of t-count and t-table (0.198 > 0.05). The post-test MEMC (Experiment) result of 86.00 is greater than the post-test Classroom Meeting (Control) of 82.29. The meaning of the results of this test proves that MEMC class management affects student learning activity in MI Taufiqurrahman 2 Kukusan. The results of these findings, contributing to realizing classroom management oriented to student learning activity, but its effectiveness may not be generalizable to students outside the sample subjects studied.


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How to Cite

Cecep Maman Hermawan, Okta Rosfiani, Rani Sheilla, Siti Nur Elizah, Putri Ratu Bilqis El-Amini, & Sulthan Hawari. (2024). Alternative Effectiveness of MEMC-Based Classroom Management in Student Learning at MI Taufiqurrahman 2 Kukusan. Madako Elementary School, 3(1), 42–54.


